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How to work with Alias modeling in Car Design

Dear friends,

today we will talk about digital virtual modeling in car design. To be more precise we will focus on why it is important for a designer to manage digital modeling and how a designer should do it.
In a few words what type of attitude we should have (as designers) in front of an Alias workstation (computer) or a Rhino 3D one. There are many other softwares, but to explane myself I just named some of the most popular in the business today.

First of all why do we have to learn about digital modeling?
The answear is simple, since few years ( at least 10) the car design business and the automotive business understood that with the help of some softwares they could reduce drasticly their time process from idea to production. This is possible thanks to those softwares that gives us the opportunity to model in virtual 3D the model we used to do in 1:1 scale in a longer time.
Today we can transfer a 2D car sketch into an Alias Autodesk program and change it into a 3D line sketch in space, from there we get our main sections and then surfaces, after surfaces is rendering time and at the end animation for film presentation projection on big displays for evaluation before milling in any scale we desire. All this coud be achieved in a month of work and with a small team composed by: the lead designer, the modeler on computer, an expert of surfaces and naturally our design director for validation.
Now I know I made it sound very easy, but the complication comes from several factors and it is incredible the advantage in terms of timing and also the quality we can reach before passing to the real 3D model. Once we get familiar with the system it is a lot easier.

How should a designer behave in this scenario?
According to my experience I have seen many doing really well and some others doing really bad!
To me the secret of success is simply to assure a good follow up to the ongoing work.
My message today for young designers or design students is to be very careful not to miss this step because it is about your baby (project)! Team-up well with your colleague modeler, do not leave him alone, listen to him when he explaines to you the hard 3D problems he has, sketch for him, ask him to print side view or perspective images of your model so that you can sketch on it to explaine well what you want and or making necessary corrections, sketch with sections!
Check out main surfaces reflections, think about detailing (this is for design credibility), understand that this step is a design phase that has great importance because after there will be a milled model.

Alias modeling sample

Good team work equals good quality job!
I wanted to tell you about this particular phase of the car design processus because I have seen several designers in my career snobing computers and virtual reality. This is not anymore acceptable today, it is not acceptable to leave a sketch and disappear for a full week…then come back and start saying that you do not like the model! Where were you? The modeler is not your designer or slave, he is an expert in digital surfacing that needs your help to move on in the best way possible understanding your requests and giving life to your baby! Your engagement into this step is fondamental for a good final result!

OK? Good luck!

Autodesk AliasStudio - 3D Software, Freeware

Autodesk AliasStudio, Freeware, Windows, Macintosh, other
Autodesk Inc.
3D Animation
3D Modeling
3D Rendering
Car & industrial design

Windows, Macintosh, other

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 Autodesk AliasStudio
Autodesk AliasStudio software is known as the premier industrial design tool ? used by virtually every car company, leading design consultancy, and consumer product company around the world. AliasStudio enables designers to own their designs further in the development process with tools to efficiently refine model details and create production-quality data for downstream use. Designers retain ownership of designs and incorporate changes later in the process, increasing the flexibility of design decisions and preventing design intent from being altered or lost during the engineering phase. AliasStudio also supports collaboration between design and engineering to help ensure that both aesthetic and functional requirements are efficiently addressed in design solutions. Personal Learning Edition is a special version providing free access for non-commercial use. Autodesk AliasStudio Personal Learning Edition offers almost every feature included in the full commercial version of Autodesk Studio software.
Other Features
Personal Learning Edition includes a full set of tutorials presenting examples of typical concept design workflow. These tutorials introduce the powerful tools and interactive features of Autodesk AliasStudio and demonstrate how to use them effectively to accomplish concept design tasks with detailed step-by-step instructions and videos. Learning Edition restricts users to non-commercial applications through the display of a watermark on images as well as through the use of a special non-commercial file format.

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Autodesk AliasStudio, Freeware, Windows, Macintosh, other
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